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Company name : mitsubishi-motors


Description :

General Automotive Company


General Automotive Company (GAC) was founded in 1978 under the umbrella of Zubair Automotive to formally represent the Mitsubishi Motors brand. It has since enjoyed a long and mutually beneficial relationship with these vehicle manufacturers stretching over four decades.

Unquestionably the flagship of the Group's automotive subsidiaries, General Automotive has developed an impressive sales, marketing, and after-sales service infrastructure that reflects the global cachet of the Mitsubishi automotive brands. In fact, it is also certified to the stringent ISO 9001:2015 quality standard.

Professionalism, coupled with the delivery of consistently superior customer services, has also helped provide a strong platform for the brand's growth in an increasingly competitive market. As a result of its efforts, the company has achieved a number of impressive milestones in the Sultanate over the years, winning numerous regional and global awards for sales and customer servic


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  •    Phone numbers : +968 24 500500