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Company name : anata


Description :

(1937 – 1967) Operating as a small workshop. My childhood memories were formed at a small sugar-splitting workshop in one of the oldest streets in Tabriz. My father at that workshop would change white sugar form into a moulded sugar, and I would have never predicted that one day this small workshop would become as one of the biggest production complexes in the Middle-East region. Sometime later products of this small workshop were produced with the local old brand named as "Shekar-Panier" as a traditional brand name of sweets, which have had a lot of fans for sometime nationwide. Our products soon won the hearts & minds of many people and we showed interest in producing more other variety products.


(1967 – 1974) The first steps taken in industrialization direction. It was during these years, that we bought a bigger workshop at Elqoli Road in Tabriz, and we started up our first automatic line of producing candy and toffee. Since 1972 the eye-catching expansion of this workshop started and within a short period of time, our production lines were multi doubled. We now could make effort to open-up a shop in one of the streets in Tabriz and sell our own products. (1974 – 1983 ) It was the birth of Nejati Industrial Group. Having achieved the people's welcoming message to our products, we indeed attempted to establish a big factory to produce different kinds of sweets and chocolates patented by the name of Nejati Industrial Group and we bought the presently existing land of the factory. After one year two automatic production lines of biscuits and wafers were installed and started up and the first group of our productions in biscuits and wafers were made with Anata brand name. At that time, both of the sugar-splitting & candy workshop, as well as the toffees, biscuits and wafers producing factories were actively in operation. Because of unprecedented acceptance of Anata productions at the markets, in a short time, more other sales branches were opened and it was only after three years of running automatic production lines of biscuits and wafers, export to the neighboring countries was started.


  •    City :
  •    Address : Tabriz - Tehran Street - Atana Company
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  •    Phone numbers : 041-36372020