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Company name : Fara Nab Afzar Aria Company


Description :

Introduction of annihilation
Fana Engineering Company was established in 2008 by several young professionals with extensive experience in the field of production, development and optimization of mechanization of management, industrial and commercial systems.

Each of the annihilation experts with exemplary experience, overtaking time and place by developing mechanization of capital organizations and other metropolitan cities, with a long-standing idea, have used their power, expertise and creativity in providing services and producing Fana products. .

Now, Fana is thinking about developing the Iranian business environment with cross-border ideals, passion and all-encompassing energy, and using the latest IT technologies, with the development and progress of your organization.

All the personnel of this complex have relevant higher education and some of them have valid national and international documents and certificates.

  •    City :
  •    Address : Tehran, Saadat Abad, above the intersection of Darya and Pakenjad Boulevards, Issapour Alley, No. 15, 1st floor
  •    Email :
  •    Website :
  •    Phone numbers : 91072200-021