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اسم الشركة : afico iraq


AFICO is a leading, privately owned general investment company headquartered in Baghdad the capital city of the Iraq.
The activities of the group have covered various areas and over the years, the strategy has steadily grown towards forming the organization that AFICO is today.
Always driven to partake in the phenomenal economic growth of the IRAQ, AFICO has operated across multiple sectors such as food, beverage, construction, transportation, sponge industrial and trading.
Today our strategy revolves around the mobilization and dedication of our established capabilities to deliver on large scale projects. We have successfully expanded into new sectors and building on this track record, we continue to seek out new opportunities for growth.

  •    City :
  •    Address : 65 14TH Ramadan St. Al-Mansour Baghdad Iraq
  •    Email :
  •    Website :
  •    Phone numbers : +964 771 999 9646