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اسم الشركة : sorenholding


Soren International Construction Company as a construction holding with different potentials and disciplines of design, technical engineering, executive, production, participation and investment in various fields of construction and civil engineering, including: residential, commercial, office, service projects, Industrial, medical, tourism, etc. In this process, it deals with macro management and investment in projects and their implementation through group companies or outside it.

After identifying projects and investment opportunities, the company evaluates them technically and economically, and if the investment is justified, defines projects and builds and sells them.

On the other hand, the company has the task of managing its agencies and companies under its auspices and satellites, each of which has an independent legal nature, but their general management is done by the dynamic international construction company Soren.

  •    City :
  •    Address : No. 15, Ground Floor, South Golchin St., Azgol, Tehran, Iran
  •    Email :
  •    Website :
  •    Phone numbers : +982122481280