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اسم الشركة : parsasaz


Parsa Industrial Group with the aim of localization and manufacturing of spare parts and relying on scientific principles, engineering and practical experience in 1994 entered the field of production of industrial parts and services and after several years of scientific and practical experience in the field of production and repair Parts related to industrial production machinery and equipment have provided extensive and good activities. At present, with the expansion of industrial production and high level of technology, production lines, equipment and related parts are of high quality in terms of materials engineering and manufacturing engineering, and in most cases with the facilities and methods of traditional and old manufacturing can not be the desired quality expected.

Relying on continuous research, communication with domestic and foreign scientific and academic resources and using the existing experiences in the labor market, this collection has been able to take an effective step towards localization and improving the quality of its services.

 Parsasaz Industrial Group, following the existing limitations for the supply of parts and equipment from abroad, has tried to meet the needs of machinery used in industries in the form of reverse engineering, design, modification and reconstruction of parts and equipment. And it is expected that with the increase in consumption of domestically made parts and equipment, acceptable quality will be provided by customers.

  •    City :
  •    Address : Isfahan, Najafabad Road (Al-Ghadir Boulevard), After Kamyab Sugar Factory, Sub-Branch 147, Parsasaz Industrial Group
  •    Email :
  •    Website :
  •    Phone numbers : 32374519 031